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Ninjas vs Zombies

NINJAS VS VAMPIRES Theatrical Trailer 



The film revolves around seven friends, 3 of which are magically granted the use of ninja powers to fight back against hordes of zombies, and their evil leader Eric. The press kit for the film describes the premise as follows:

"Seven friends, struggling with late 20s, early 30s life, find themselves in terrifying danger when a long dead loved one is magically resurrected and starts devouring souls. To make matters worse, three of them have been granted the power of the ninja, and now must lead the fight against a power they cannot hope to vanquish. If they fail, the undead will overrun their little town, and maybe the world."[3]

The script is filled with references to other genre favorites, including but not limited to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Lost", "Jurassic Park", "Angel", "Ghostbusters", "Chasing Amy", "Batman Returns", "The Incredibles", "Return of the Jedi", "Star Trek First Contact", "Army Of Darkness", "Dawn of the Dead", "Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull", "Pulp Fiction", "Dirty Harry", and more.

The closing credits thank "Joss Whedon (Who Doesn't Know We Exist)".

Link video : Click here for video

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