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For Colored Girls

For Colored Girls' Trailer HD

A tough crowd at the Bifas, why Airplane II should have been an entirely different movie, and avoiding the wrath of Nina Simone
Cheer up, it's an awards ceremony
Martin Freeman hops off to New Zealand in January to play Bilbo Baggins. He was at the Bifas last week, and at BBC London radio, following me around like a little hobbity thing. Go to Middle-earth, I said, and seize your huge break of a role. "I'll give it a go," he said. You don't seem too happy about it, I ventured. "Oh, well," he said, perking up a bit, "I'll try to do as good a job as possible and not muck it up." Freeman clearly fears being away from his lovely family for so long but will nevertheless be in good company in New Zealand, with Bifa host James Nesbitt, whose new head of hair looked surprisingly good, I thought.

Link video : Click here for video

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